dissabte, 4 de desembre del 2010
Green day - When It's Time
Words get trapped in my mind / Les paraules es queden atrepades a la meva ment
Sorry if I don't take the time to feel the way I do / Perdo, jo no m'agafo al temps per sentir la manera de fer-ho
'Cause the first day you came into my life / Perquè des del primer dia que vas venir a la meva vida
My time ticks around you / El temps girava al voltant teu
But then I need your voice / Però després jo necessitava la teva veu
As a key to unlock all the love that’s trapped in me / Com una clau per obrir tot l'amor
So tell me when it's time to say I love you / Doncs explica'm quan es el moment per dir t'estimo
All I want is you to understand / Tot el que jo vull es perquè tu ho entenguis
That when I take your hand, it's 'cause I want you / Quan jo agafola teva mà es perquè jo et vull
We are all born in a world of doubt / Tots nosaltres em nescut en un món de dubtes
But there's no doubt / No hi ha cap dubte
I figured out... / He trobat la solució...
I love you / T'estimo
I feel lonely for / Jo em sento sol
All the losers that will never take the time to say / Tots els perdedors que mai agafen el moment de dir-ho
What's really on their mind instead they just hide away / derrere la seva ment encanvi ell només vol amagar-se
Yet they’ll never have / Encara tot i aixi
Someone like you to guide them and help along the way / Algú li agrada agafar la seva mà per ajudar-te
Or tell me when it's time to say I love you / O tenir algú per expplicar-li quan es el temps per dir-te t'estimo
So tell me when it's time to say I love you / Doncs explica'm quan es el moment per dir t'estimo
Sorry if I don't take the time to feel the way I do / Perdo, jo no m'agafo al temps per sentir la manera de fer-ho
'Cause the first day you came into my life / Perquè des del primer dia que vas venir a la meva vida
My time ticks around you / El temps girava al voltant teu
But then I need your voice / Però després jo necessitava la teva veu
As a key to unlock all the love that’s trapped in me / Com una clau per obrir tot l'amor
So tell me when it's time to say I love you / Doncs explica'm quan es el moment per dir t'estimo
All I want is you to understand / Tot el que jo vull es perquè tu ho entenguis
That when I take your hand, it's 'cause I want you / Quan jo agafola teva mà es perquè jo et vull
We are all born in a world of doubt / Tots nosaltres em nescut en un món de dubtes
But there's no doubt / No hi ha cap dubte
I figured out... / He trobat la solució...
I love you / T'estimo
I feel lonely for / Jo em sento sol
All the losers that will never take the time to say / Tots els perdedors que mai agafen el moment de dir-ho
What's really on their mind instead they just hide away / derrere la seva ment encanvi ell només vol amagar-se
Yet they’ll never have / Encara tot i aixi
Someone like you to guide them and help along the way / Algú li agrada agafar la seva mà per ajudar-te
Or tell me when it's time to say I love you / O tenir algú per expplicar-li quan es el temps per dir-te t'estimo
So tell me when it's time to say I love you / Doncs explica'm quan es el moment per dir t'estimo
dissabte, 9 d’octubre del 2010
The animal in me...
My favourite animal is the cat.
Because a cat came to my house, one day in December. My family and I didn't know where it came from.
I loved the animals, but at the time my favourite animal was a horse. However this day when, it came to my house everything changed. This day it was part of my family.
It is a female.
She is very beautiful, her hair is very soft and her colours are brown, white and grey. Her eyes very precious, they are blue.
She is quiet and always sleeps in my bed, she is very lazy. She always wants to eat.
She is identical to me.
We are two peas in apod.
Because a cat came to my house, one day in December. My family and I didn't know where it came from.
I loved the animals, but at the time my favourite animal was a horse. However this day when, it came to my house everything changed. This day it was part of my family.
It is a female.
She is very beautiful, her hair is very soft and her colours are brown, white and grey. Her eyes very precious, they are blue.
She is quiet and always sleeps in my bed, she is very lazy. She always wants to eat.
She is identical to me.
We are two peas in apod.
This is my cat:
Summer 2010 is over!
This summer was fantastic.
I went to everywhere places. Especially on the sea, because my father bought a boat. This boat is bigger than the other. My family and I went many times to sleep on the beach. Sometimes more friends went.
In the coves I had a lot of friends.
Also in the sea tried sking with the lilo.
On the ground I went to the beach, swam in mynswimmingpool, met with my friends, and went to many parties.
Sant Jordi's day I watch with my friends on the beach the fire works, it was very beautiful.
This year, 2010 was great but next year, 2011 will be better.
I went to everywhere places. Especially on the sea, because my father bought a boat. This boat is bigger than the other. My family and I went many times to sleep on the beach. Sometimes more friends went.
In the coves I had a lot of friends.
Also in the sea tried sking with the lilo.
On the ground I went to the beach, swam in mynswimmingpool, met with my friends, and went to many parties.
Sant Jordi's day I watch with my friends on the beach the fire works, it was very beautiful.
This year, 2010 was great but next year, 2011 will be better.
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